Ten Reasons Why I NEED Spring (K.Blais)

(photo courtesy of hdwallpapers2013)


I have spent the last week(s) lamenting on my desire for it to be spring – so I decided to blog about it! Spring will come soon… (I’m hoping sooner rather than later). In the meantime, here are ten reasons why I desperately need spring.

  1. I’m sick of snow.

    Seriously. WE HAVE ENOUGH SNOW. I knew we were going to pay for that long, hot, dry summer. Sure, it was great for planning events – there was no need to have a rain date, but let’s just say, I warned you people – we will pay (and we are paying) for that rainless summer!


  2. I detest my winter clothes.

    I’m done. I’m through. I don’t want to wear the sweaters, long pants, socks, coats, hats, and mittens ANY LONGER. I dislike frostbite even more so I guess I’ll keep wearing them until SPRING arrives. But… it better come soon. I’m pretty sure people are just as sick of seeing me in my limited winter clothing as I am wearing it. It’s time for us to break up, winter wardrobe. It’s not you — no, wait it is. And yes, there is someone else. I’m looking forward to seeing the Spring separates that are patiently waiting for me in my closet.


  3. I need SUNLIGHT.

    I am one of those people who search for the sun. I scan the sky until I find it. There is a reason why I love sunflowers so much. They always turn their faces to the sun. That’s exactly the way I like to think I live my life. There is not nearly enough sunlight in winter. And when we do have the sun, the days are incredibly short.


  4. I’m an Earth child.

    I love gardening and yard work (yes, I’m sick that way.) I love getting filthy dirty, sweaty, and exhausted after a day of physical, outdoor labour. It’s completely satisfying and fulfilling. Add a cold, refreshing beverage to the end of that day and I’m one happy country girl.


  5. I am tired of shades (white, black, and the varying shades of gray).

    The winter landscape was beautiful in December and January, but now I need colour – I need to see the green grass, the vibrant colours of new growth of flowers and foliage, the serene blue of the spring sky, and the beautiful golden hue of the gentle sun. Colour is a powerful mood stimulator.


  6. Walking and outdoor sports are so much more enjoyable in the spring.

    You can probably guess that I am not a downhill skier, snow boarder, or an avid fan of winter sports unless they are in closed and controlled conditions, like an arena. And yes, fellow commuters, driving is SO much more enjoyable in the spring too!


  7. Fresh spring air is energizing!

    Need I say more? The spring air is really a touch of heaven on earth. I’m pretty sure heaven will smell like a fresh spring day. I love to have the windows open and a lovely, spring breeze flow through the house; an element which actually makes spring cleaning enjoyable!


  8. Laundry on a clothesline is enjoyed for days to come.

    The fresh scent is intoxicating. The smell of freshly dried laundry on a spring day is only second to the spring air itself, especially when it’s bedding. I get the best night’s sleep on bedding that smells like a spring day.


  9. Barbecues, friends, and fun are signs that spring is here.

    We (my family and I) are so much more sociable in the spring and summer months. It’s like we come out of hibernation, which we kind of do.


  10. The promise of new beginnings awaits.

    Spring has always felt like a new lease on life to me. Not only is it a time for the rebirth of Earth, it’s also a chance to start again personally. The melting snow washes away the dread, doubts, and despair which often find us in a long winter and offers the chance to start again fresh.


Spring – I am waiting for you with open arms! I’ll take the April showers because I know that they will bring May flowers. I’ll take the mud and the muck because that means that I will finally have ground to see – to work in, to plant in – uncovered with snow. I look forward to the opportunity that Spring brings – the chance to appreciate the beauty of God’s great Earth renewed.

Happy Soon- To – Be – Spring!

(photo courtesy of good-wallpapers)(photo courtesy of openwalls.com)

(Dear Readers, Thank you for your continued support! Please take a moment to like our facebook page Writing For The Love of It and follow me on Twitter @kim_blais. Happy Thoughts of Spring! Love ~ K ~)

4 thoughts on “Ten Reasons Why I NEED Spring (K.Blais)

  1. Oh what a beautiful blog for me to read on this day. I just have not been right today, and then I read this uplifting, promising blog from the one who helps me through everyday 🙂 Thanks hon, it’s like you knew I needed an lift up, like you knew I needed a promise that brighter days are ahead, like you knew I needed to see the beautiful heaven like pictures. So thank you, thank you, thank you xo Well said my friend, def ready for winter to be over myself :S Enough is enough!! Brighter days are ahead for us both hon, hang in there, the SUN will be shinning high soon 🙂 ❤

  2. Love this, a mood lifter just reading of all the great things spring bring! I especially like # 3,4 and 10 🙂 Can’t wait for spring!!

  3. Honey I can’t wait when we can both sit on the deck, looking at & listening to our beautiful water fall we have in our back yard.

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